Images & Education has been working to develop partnerships with several international and national organizations to produce and distribute effective teacher training materials to educators around the world. Collectively, our partners have enormous resources such as educational expertise and networks that could be harnessed in support of the Peace Teaching Project.
Since its creation in 1945, UNESCO has worked to improve education worldwide through technical advice, standard setting, innovative projects, capacity-building and networking. One of the basic aims of the organization has always been the promotion of peace and international cooperation through education.
Images & Education's collaboration with UNESCO has already begun. As an initial step in the development of the Peace Teaching Project, we worked together to launch a survey of peace education materials in an effort to collect, codify and share these teaching resources on a worldwide basis. The Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme profiles a wealth of curriculum materials, program designs, books, and media tools for CRE educators. Our research also identified significant gaps in these resources: primarily the insufficient use of visual media and the lack of multi-lingual material—gaps that the Peace Teaching Project is designed to fill.
Images & Education and UNESCO's Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) are also exploring the possibility of working together to develop the Peace Teaching Project. ASPnet includes about 7,900 schools, ranging from nursery schools to teacher training programs in 176 countries. This network would bring valuable resources to the Peace Teaching Project:
- Significant
experience in innovating conflict resolution programs and international education
- Access
to some of the leading peace education approaches, methods and materials from local to global levels
- The possibility of working with ASPnet teaching staff and classrooms to film scenes for the training videos
- A network of schools in developing countries where we can implement targeted pilot testing of the materials
- A network of educational institutions that can disseminate the project's training programs and teaching resources
The European Centre for Conflict Prevention
The ECCP is an NGO that promotes effective conflict prevention and peace-building strategies, and actively supports and connects people working for peace worldwide.
The ECCP's contribution to the Peace Teaching Project will be twofold. The organization:
- Acts
as a hub for an open network of 150 key European organizations working internationally in the field of conflict resolution. It will extend these resources to aid the development, production and dissemination of the project materials and programs.
- Plans
regional conferences on the UN-civil society program. ECCP regularly devotes part of its conferences to conflict resolution education, creating opportunities to develop additional networks for disseminating the project materials.
"We feel the vision of your project complements ECCP'S mission to facilitate the exchange of information about CRE, promote training and international cooperation in building a culture of peace and non-violence...I look forward to our collaboration in making this important venture a reality."
—Paul van Tongeren, Executive Director
United Nations Development Programme: Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (UNDP: BCPR)
The UNDP is the United Nation's global development network, working with countries to build their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As one of its goals, the UNDP has fostered strategic partnerships to work towards conflict prevention and peace building, with the main focus on local capacity building. To this effect, the tools developed by the Peace Teaching Project will be relevant and useful for BCPR staff and partners. Our work with the BCPR will focus mostly on the Adult Training Module.
The UNDP: BCPR has offered to support the Peace Teaching Project by working with us to: - Share its existing guidance and tools on adult conflict analysis
- Pilot test material developed by the project
- Put training programs into practice and disseminate teaching resources, especially for the Adult Training Module
Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR) ESR is a national leader in CRE and educational reform. Founded in 1982, ESR today offers comprehensive programs, staff development and other resources for adults who teach children and young people in a range of different settings. Focused on its mission of enhancing social responsibility in education, its work spans the fields of social and emotional learning, conflict resolution, violence prevention, and diversity education.
As one of the most important factors to the project's success, ESR has offered Images & Education the rights to their popular library of educational materials, which will provide the project with:
- Extensive knowledge about basic CRE teaching methodologies and philosophies
- Classroom-tested activities and lessons for a range of age-levels and a range of educational settings
- Training programs for educators at every developmental level, preschool through high school
"Educators for Social Responsibility enthusiastically endorses this project and we look forward to aiding in its unfolding. The world needs this project and you have the experience it will take to make it happen."
—Larry Dieringer, Executive Director